Keep Moving Forward
Virtual Empowerment Course

What will you learn?
You will learn how to overcome obstacles such as
🔥negative emotions and mindsets
🔥guilt from past mistakes and failures
🔥rejection or loss
🔥spiritual attack or oppression
🔥weight gain, chronic pain, health issues
And move forward to walk in your God given purpose.
Here are just a few things included
🛑 6 weekly live modules via zoom with workbooks to help guide you to meet your goals
🔥 Module 1: Take 100% responsibility for your life success principle.
🔥 Module 2: Forgive, Forget and keep it moving.
🔥 Module 3: You were wonderfully made. Know your worth and walk in it.
🔥 Module 4: You have the power to stand strong in the storm.
🔥 Module 5: Health and self-care basics needed in order to effectively walk in your purpose.
🔥 Module 6: Overcome procrastination and move forward to your next level today.

🛑 Weekly individualized:pre module assessment so you can share your request prior to class.
🛑Bi weekly accountabilty tools so you can see where you are and where you want to be.
🛑 Affirmations, prayers, and resources to help you stay focused on your goals
🛑 Lifetime access to the course
🛑 Lifetime assess to our Facebook group
🛑 3- 30 min 1:1 coaching with me (value $500)
🛑 Bonus: 1-30 min "Get rid of the stigma about mental health" awareness call with a Christian therapist. (Value $125)
Your Investment is only $1997
Contact me for payment options at diana@dianalmorrisempowerment.com