Words have power! Proverbs 18:21 says “death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits".
Do you speak negative words or have negative thoughts that have kept you from progressing towards your goals? Have you experienced negative words from others that have hurt you?
Well this is the class for you! ”Speak positive faith filled words in 2019 and live life more abundantly" was designed to help you replace negative words with positive faith filled words, so you can walk in your God given purpose! This on demand class can be viewed any time of the day or night! Enjoy!

It took many years of experience, research, and plain old trial and error to learn these 5 Proven Pillars of resilience life lessons. These strategies and keys help me, and my clients transform from the inside, bounce back, build resilience, and thrive through life to reach milestones and levels of success with grace, purpose, and meaning.
That is why I am passionate and excited to share the message of Faith Hope and Resilience that will impact people in such a way that they will be strengthened, empowered, and inspired to fulfill their dreams, their calling, their purpose.
The Goal or Outcome of this Program is that after its completion you will believe and go after your dreams.

Indie F. Jones MD
Wellness Coach for Christian Women,
Author and Motivational Speaker
I loved Diana’s energy and big smile during the coaching program. I was empowered with the reminder of the gift of the HOLY GHOST and how reflecting on him to guide me reduces stress and fear. I loved how she had worksheets available to practice during the coaching sessions. I recommend Diana’s coaching program for the woman of God who needs a little
encouragement in her walk and her purpose.

Diane Craig RN,
Motivational Speaker
Diana has a gift of encouragement and empowerment for women. I felt stuck in going or moving forward, but she has helped me self-promote and feel empowered to do so in moving my ministry forward.
She has helped me connect to my target audience with more confidence. I highly recommend her as a coach/mentor!

Beatrice Moore
Moore Educational Consulting
Diana's coaching program has given me hands on training and allowed me to reset personal expectations and fueled my creativity and performance! She is attentive to her clients and goes beyond a "clinical" approach to one that is personable. As a result, I was able to write and publish another book, plan and run a women's conference, and secure several key contracts which have given my business additional national exposure. I highly recommend Diana's coaching programs!

Jackie James
Retired Educator
I was sick because of arthritis and I couldn’t walk or teach anymore. I went into a depression and didn’t want to even read or do crossword puzzles. I lost a lot, and it affected my spiritual life too. I gave up and was going to the nursing home and let my husband go on with his life. I prayed to God and said, “please Jesus I am just sinking”. Then I saw Diana’s program and joined. Today I can walk, cook, and even went shopping at Walmart. I am even starting my own business!
I highly recommend Diana’s program to people who are depressed, in abusive situations, have low self-worth or low self-esteem and need encouragement.

You requested help with learning how to speak words that agree with the word of God and not your feelings and the class is ready! 😊
I am already getting feedback from happy customers. Lisa said " I enjoyed the “ Speak, Positive Faith Filled Words I’ve learned that consistency is the key."
Get your on-demand copy of "Speak positive faith-filled words in 2019 and live life more abundantly"