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Christian Based  Coaching Approach

Utilizes Biblical Principles As The Guide To Empowerment

Need help to achieve your goals in life? Are you tired of negative self talk and time wasters that hinder your spiritual, personal, and financial growth? I use an array of biblical and business principles to provide coaching services that give you the tools for success. In addition to 1-on-1 consultations and group sessions, I offer on line courses and products for people who are interested in resources that will propel them towards their purpose.

Smiling Girl

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.


Oh My God! I Married A Devil:

A Story of Triumph Over Domestic Violence

Gina Mitchell, a faithful Christian, is challenged with the ups and downsof being saved and single. After being told by a prophet that she wouldsoon meet the man of her dreams, she meets and marries Greg. Ginaquickly finds out Greg is not the chosen husband sent by God. Her fairytale husband soon turns into a man full of anger and rage. Can Ginasurvive the turmoil? Will God intervene?


My Praise and Worship Journal:

A Devotional of My Personal Commitment to Worship and Praise God

My Worship & Praise Journal is based on biblical principles and is designed to enhance any believers walk with the Lord. Expect powerful break throughs as you learn to live and move in God’s presence and express high praises and intimate worship to the King of kings and Lord of lords. In order to build a lifestyle of praise and worship, the readers will spend time each day learning truths about praise and worship, practicing praise and worship, and write about their joyful experiences. Therefore, this book is ideal for new Christians, praise leaders, ministers, and those who are looking to press in closer to God with their body, soul and spirit.


With over 30 years of experience, I use my proven step by step 5 pillars of resilience blueprint to help clients transform, move past stress, rejection, fear, and self-doubt, and create lasting change from the inside out so they can fulfill their purpose and design the life they desire to live. 

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